So, this is my first post.
I have a small blog on my classroom website, but I'm sure no one has ever read it. That would require my students caring enough to 1) write down the class website, 2) actually type in the URL, and 3) find the link on my page and read what was there. I'm not holding my breath.
The purpose of this blog, you ask?
I've always loved to write. But I've never had an audience or an outlet. So, here's my chance to enter the 21st Century and begin to write. The stories of my day tend to amuse, entertain, or inspire others - or at least give you something to distract you from the vacuuming or laundry. So here you can read updates on what it's like to be a pregnant mom with two kids and a high school English teacher - all the while trying to maintain my sanity.
So, you'll get my two cents. Although, in this economy, it may not be worth that much.
Excited to read about your journey!